Become a Member

Why should you become a member?

Dear Film Commissioner,

The European Film Commissions Network currently gathers 100 Film Commissions in 32 European Countries. It is now time for you to join the network and take advantage of all the opportunities that being a member can offer you.

Why should you become a member?

  • To exchange information with other film commissioners, share experiences and learn from each other
  • To make your access to international markets easier (in Berlin, Cannes and more…)
  • To improve your promotion abroad
  • To make your working life easier

What does becoming a member mean?

  • Being part of an active community of Film Commissioners
  • Being able to directly contact your colleagues throughout all of Europe
  • Receiving updated information on your everyday working life
  • Benefiting from the training sessions organized by the network
  • Being invited as a guest or a speaker in experience sharing sessions

What are you supposed to do for the association?

  • Take part in the three EUFCN meetings: at the European Film Market during the Berlinale, at the Marché du Film during the Festival de Cannes and at the General Assembly organized during FOCUS London. The meetings usually last 2 to 4 hours + the training sessions and/or experience sharing sessions.
  • Invite your VIP guest to the EUFCN parties in Berlin and Cannes.
  • If you wish, suggest your own experience/problem on a specific subject for the experience sharing sessions, or ask the board to discuss it at one of the network meetings.
  • Elect the Board of Directors (every 2 years).
  • Pay your membership fee every year (750€  per year).

How do you become a member?

Please, fill the online form or send your application or request directly via email to

Thank you!

Do you need more info?

If you wish to better understand the activities of our association just ask to join our next meeting and we will be happy to host you as our special guest.

The EUFCN Board of Directors and staff
For more info: